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[purchase_link id=”1565″ style=”text link” color=”” text=”google ad verification”]I had the awesome experience of getting to take part in Wagcademy 2018 this year, which was extra exciting because this was the inaugural conference for WAGS Redefined. It was definitely a worthwhile and inspiring experience, and I can’t wait to tell you all about what I learned […]
I love movies and going to theaters, but there’s nothing like being cozy on the couch watching your all-time favorite movies with your family and friends. Every week Rodger and I try to find an activity that we can partake in as a family and last week, in anticipation of ‘Black Panther’ we decided to […]
The thirst is so real when hydrating your body with the best liquid options. And by best, I mean water! We’ve embarked on another #drankmowaterchallenge and I thought it would be a good idea to break down the benefits of (my favorite) alkaline water. We all know my story with water – we’ve had a […]
It’s the weekend, baby! I can’t believe its already December! This year has been full of wonderful things to celebrate, and today marks one more blessing! Yesterday it was announced that my husband, Rodger Saffold, was nominated by his team, The LA Rams, for the Walter Payton “Man of the Year” award. I’m so happy […]
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She understood what we wanted to accomplish, and had the best ideas to make it happen." — Sarah
Working with Vieux made it easy to level up our brand and be proud of how we looked online.
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