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What are the Single Mom Awards? Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of being involved in the 5th Annual Single Moms Awards. This is the 3rd consecutive year my husband Rodger and I have supported this wonderful event. This award show, celebration, and fundraising event is presented by Single Moms Planet, a Los Angeles-based […]
For the majority of my life, the struggle of drinking enough water has been all too real. Growing up, I literally hated the taste of water — which is pretty strange, considering the fact that water doesn’t really have a taste at all. Regardless, water was always my very last choice of what to drink […]
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She understood what we wanted to accomplish, and had the best ideas to make it happen." — Sarah
Working with Vieux made it easy to level up our brand and be proud of how we looked online.
Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat.
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